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Richest 1% own half the world's wealth, study finds |
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club, Ilhan Omar is outside the club. Bernie Sanders is mostly outside the club. Recently he's kind of been a little bit inside
with the $1,400 check thing, which again is very disappointing from him. But I think he's still outside to be honest. But we don't have enough of those.
minimum wage increase. Who tell us that unions are actually bad and the last time we had a strong middle-
class in America is when we had strong union representation. But that all went away
with the Reagan era and never came back and American labor has been under assault since then. It doesn't work. Nothing works for us and it will continue to not work for us as long as we continue to send the same people to DC, every couple of years, that's on us. If you want it to change, then change who you're sending to Washington.
So for a long time, I like many others have been thinking a third party may be the answer to breaking up the bottle necking of our politics, if we have term limits for the President I feel there should be the same for the left and the right, In Fact I think there should be nobody in Office who is over the Retirement age, any of you Folks do your own homework any longer...? What are your Thoughts? There is, or Was talk of Plumpy starting his own party, Odd when both parties are against a third, who could really benefit from such an Action...?
I really feel bad for this colored Fella....
He's not leaving - part III
He's not leaving - part II
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee Signs Law Penalizing Protesters With Loss of Voting Rights
Timeline | Joe Biden For President
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