Sunday, October 25, 2020

He's not leaving.

 Or so says Bill Maher:

The Republican Party has no respect for democracy. Voter suppression, aggressive redistricting and gaming the judicial system to their benefit.

Their modus operandi is, "Win at all costs!" 

But don't worry, the Democratic Party is ready to fight back:

Let's say that the country dodges this bullet and Trump loses and goes quietly. And let's say that the Democratic Party takes the House, the Senate and the Oval Office. What should and what will they do to make sure that this hypothetical scenario can never become a reality?

Welcome Home KoKanee







 Nice to have you back!!!


Friday, October 2, 2020

President Donald Trump tests positive for the Corona Virus


Photo courtesy of Watch

So What the Fuck Donnie, you said this was a HOAX, Die you worthless Scumbag!!! And take your dime bag Whore with You!!!! 


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