Photo courtesy of |
Aug 31, 2020
Reshared By: KB72wenty3 aka Vinny G
Photo courtesy of ABC News |
So since the start of the black lives matter protests
Make it illegal for them to protest by scaring them
unconstitutional but he's trying to find a way to subvert the constitution by criminalizing protests in a really sneaky and nefarious way so as Kelly Mena of CNN reports.
Photo courtesy of the Tennessean |
Photo courtesy of St. Catherines Standard |
I know what you're thinking well this doesn't directly lead to them losing the right to vote but understand the way that they're trying to create this sort of loophole so that way they can penalize protesters by stripping them of the right to vote if you criminalize elements of the protest and say well this act in particular that we don't like is now a felony and that leads to you losing your right to vote well effectively what are they doing they're threatening the protesters by saying if you don't go away if you don't stop occupying these premises you're not going to be able to vote because you're not going to affect change by trying to reach out to us but you're really not going to be able to affect change if you lose your right to vote, so if you want that to happen then um keep doing what you're doing keep protesting keep staying here and occupying these buildings and you're going to lose the right to vote like this is extremely extremely disgusting!
Photo courtesy of The Hill |
Maybe even if someone isn't occupying or camping out at a state building or the state capitol they may just be like loitering or protesting police officers will just grab them and say well they're camping so uh they get a felony now they can't vote like do you understand like we know this is what's going to happen we know this is going to lead to abuse even if they follow this draconian law they're still going to be even more abuse that's the product of this law because this type of law is inherently abusive, so for them you know anyone who disobeys their draconian laws they're going to say all right well you don't get to vote any more so think about this though like if you disagree with the black lives matter protests apply this to other situations like.
Photo courtesy of Medicare For All |
But the fact that we didn't hear much about this law in mainstream media shows that you know states are able to do things like this governors can sign bills like this into law and get away with it because nobody's paying attention nobody really cares they might believe that oh well this isn't them just losing the right to vote if they protest, I mean they have to do a particular thing to get charged with a felony and because they're felons then they lose the right to vote except do not understand what they're doing, do you not see the way that they're trying to subvert the constitutional and effectively make it so if you do something that they deem inappropriate if you protest in a way that they don't like they can take away your right to vote with some bullshit nonsense excuse like this that we know will be abused it's just it's dangerous and um it's a bad sign of what's to come if this continues.
Hmmm I have not seen this mentioned around the orbs I usually visit as I have been overly busy the last couple days... In Fact started building this post last night. What do you folks make of This?
Thanks to the Humanist Report for added video...
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