A govenment of the people, by the people, for the people is not a two-party plutocracy where corporations and the uber-wealthy control the government and control the very narrative we hear every day. It's a war between personal freedom and liberty versus authoritarianism and tyranny.
I don't know.... Sometimes I really do not have hours to take a transcript and build a story with it, or maybe sometimes I just have too many other thoughts (videos) to add to the conversation.
I find this very Interesting, as I have heard of another Rule to butt Bernie out of the nomination...
Democracy you Say??? Yeah I was a fan of Rocky and Bullwinkle as well, however, we have DipShits on the right claiming there is no need for a 2020 primary of Trump or even an election to begin with!!!
I find it entertaining how Drumpster Divers are feeling the hit at the wallet, when they are now filing their taxes...
Trump Tax Cut Only Benefits Trump
So.... I was out and about this morning and tummbled upon a video, can't seem to remember the name but pretty much had to do with the one posted above.
Don't go counting Richard Ojeda out of the picture, if this has to do with the Fat Lady singing, Hillary can put a Sock in It!!!
So Tulsi Gabbard announced her 2020 run for president officially she was in Hawaii, and she gave honestly a substance packed speech so I want to play you just a short clip four minutes maybe four minutes or so take a look and then we'll discuss.
We must fight for the soul ofour country stand up against bought andpaid for politicians who kowtow tospecial interests selling their votes tothe highest bidder, where instead ofdraining the swamp our president hasturned it into a cesspool of corruption!We must stand up against Big Pharma andinsurance companies who extort those whoare sick who put their profits above thehealth and well-being of our people!Wehave to fight to make sure that everysingle American gets the quality healthcare that they need through Medicare for all!
We must stand up against the bigWall Street banks who gamble with ourmoney and our future! Stand up against
overreaching intelligence agencies and big tech companies who take away ourcivil liberties privacy and freedoms inthe name of national security andcorporate greed!We must stand up againstthose who pollute our land our water andour air!
We must stand up against private prisonswho are profiting off the backs of those, who are caught up in a broken criminaljustice system a system that puts peoplein prison for smoking marijuana!Whileallowing corporations like Purdue Pharma, who are responsible for the opioidrelated deaths of thousands of people towalk away scot-free with their coffersfull!
This so-called criminal justicesystem which favors the rich andpowerful and punishes the poor cannotstand! We must join hands and stand upagainst those who perpetuate bigotryhatred and violence against our brothersand sisters because of their racereligion or sexual orientation! We muststand up! Stand up against thisadministration that claims to believe inAmerica first but who sells our troopsour weapons and our interest towhichever foreign country is the highestbidder! We must stand up against thosewho dishonor our troops treating them aspolitical pawns and mercenaries for hirein wars around the world!
We must stand up stand up againstpowerful politicians from both partieswho sit in their ivory towers thinkingup new Wars to wage new places for people to die!Wasting trillions of our taxpayerdollars hundreds of thousands of livesand undermining our economy and oursecurity and destroying our middle class!Now President Trump campaigned againstregime change wars when he ran forpresident but now he vows to the wishesof the neo cons who surround him!Clamoring for regime change wars that heclaimed to oppose this time in Venezuelaand in Iran!
These powerful politiciansdishonor the sacrifices made by everyone of my brothers and sisters inuniform! Their families as they are theones who pay the price for these wars infact, every American pays the price forthese wars that have cost us trillionsof dollars since 9/11! Every dollar thatwe spend on regime change wars or onthe new Cold War and this nuclear arms race is a dollar coming out of ourpockets! Dollars that should be used toaddress the very real urgent needs ofour people and our communities righthere at Home!!!
Well I gotta tell Ya, I am very Impressed!!! Kinda thought I should finish the post with what Kulinski had to add on but it's right there for your viewing, I have been taking a very hard look at today's candidates who have thrown their hat in the ring, just the same old Goonie's as always, Hmmm, maybe better keep my mouth shut, don't want Billary to get any ideas, but it's not just Billary, it is the entire DNC and their Foolish ways of thinking that brought us Trump! We have Warren apologizing for a test she thought would prove some silly point, turns out she is the one with egg on her face... Kamala, Please give me a Break, she is a Joke, Biden only a few feet further away...
I find it odd that the only candidate I know of that wants to do away with Citizens United has not yet thrown his hat in the ring, and if you want to talk to me about money in politics, I have seen the lack thereof, force out one of the only other candidates worthy of being POTUS, Richard Ojeda, lets be serious here, Gabbard and Ojeda served this country, they are the common people amongst us, they earned their way and see doing so as very Honorable in my view!!!
Yeah, I am not here to push for folks I have no respect for, I find it even more odd how those who are worthy are being thrown under the bus or not allowed on it to begin with!!!
Something about what Tulsi was saying about Civil Liberties, I have a feeling she was talking about the Patriot act and the doing away with Habeas Corpus, funny how it is never mentioned would you agree???
So...... It's been about 4 hours since I put up this post, and since then I found a video that I was searching for, so let's just call this an UPDATE:
Hillary's Back Attacking Bernie and Praising Kamala
I gotta Tell Ya, I really wish this Hole would find one and crawl into it, never to be heard from again, I mean let's be Honest Here, she is why Trump is in office!!! And in the meantime we have this ChuckleHead in Virginia, claiming he did Blackface for a Michael Jackson dance contest, It Behooves me why Billary has been so Quiet, what are your thoughts???
Photo courtesy ofIMGUR.COM good Luck finding it!!! Luckily I have a friend who sent this my way...