Saturday, December 29, 2018

2020 Candidate Richard Ojeda Talks Trump, Taxes & More

Photo courtesy of Smash Cut Cuture

Reshared By: KB72wenty3 aka VinnyG

Published on Dec 26, 2018 

--Richard Ojeda, highly decorated 24-year Army veteran, West Virginia State Senator, and Democratic 2020 Presidential candidate, joins David to discuss the state of American politics and his 2020 presidential campaign.


Also Read: Military vet Ojeda announces 2020 presidential campaign

Yeah, I have heard all the Bullshit from everyone I have shared my last post about Ojeda, He Voted for Trump!!! Big Fucking Deal, he voted for the candidate that said he would bring work for coal miners while HRC was promising new training for folks that there were no jobs for in West Virginia... Lots of talk about folks who will be running come 2020, do you really feel Biden or Kamala really have a chance, I do not!!!

Kamala Harris Supports ICE! Says Immigrants Murder & Rape


#richard0jeda #election2020 #veterans #veteransaffairs #donaldtrump #democraticparty #republicanparty #potus2020 #berniesanders #theyoungturks #hillaryclinton #AllTheWay #ojeda2020 #PresidentBoneSpurs #kamalaharris #joebiden #jimmydore