A govenment of the people, by the people, for the people is not a two-party plutocracy where corporations and the uber-wealthy control the government and control the very narrative we hear every day. It's a war between personal freedom and liberty versus authoritarianism and tyranny.
--Richard Ojeda, highly decorated 24-year Army veteran, West Virginia State Senator, and Democratic 2020 Presidential candidate, joins David to discuss the state of American politics and his 2020 presidential campaign.
Yeah, I have heard all the Bullshit from everyone I have shared my last post about Ojeda, He Voted for Trump!!! Big Fucking Deal, he voted for the candidate that said he would bring work for coal miners while HRC was promising new training for folks that there were no jobs for in West Virginia... Lots of talk about folks who will be running come 2020, do you really feel Biden or Kamala really have a chance, I do not!!!
Ojeda, Democratic candidate for West Virginia's 3rd Congressional
district, watches election results during his campaign's watch party at
Special Occasions in Yuma, near Logan, W.Va., Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018.
(Dylan Vidovich/The Logan Banner via AP)
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A retired Army paratrooper and current West
Virginia lawmaker seeking to restore the Democratic Party’s blue-collar
roots chose Veterans Day to formalize his campaign for the presidency in
Richard Ojeda made the announcement Monday at the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington. Ojeda filed his campaign committee paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Sunday.
"We have not had people that have really fought for the working-class citizens in this country," Ojeda said.
The 24-year veteran known for his tattoos and populist message lost a U.S. House race to a Republican this month.
the West Virginia senate in 2016 and became a champion of
teachers during their fight for better pay and benefits.
He sponsored
successful legislation to make medical marijuana legal, and has stressed
health care and economic issues in a district reeling from lost coal
He said Republicans and Democrats alike, including President Donald Trump, have focused more on "infighting, political wars."
Ojeda is a relative newcomer to politics. He lost a 2014 primary race
for the U.S. House before winning his senate seat in 2016.
Ojeda said politicians on the federal level should be required to donate everything they make above $1 million to charity.
Ojeda took the struggles of state teachers to heart because he spent
four years as a high school ROTC instructor. He spoke to groups of
teachers several times and made a passionate Senate speech in January in
favor of them. The next month they embarked on a nine-day strike and
won a 5 percent pay increase.
Hmmmm, what to make of this Fella, perhaps another rising star as many we have seen this last Midterm???
Richard Ojeda Running For President In 2020!
So, I have shared this post around and have had pretty much the same reaction from many, he voted for Trump so to Hell with him, so let me share a fun little Factoid... Yes I thought of adding the other two videos I wanted to share but luckily they are both in the Young Turks video...
So, since we are talking about Tom Perez, I really think he needs to quit his day job!!!
Folks, I have been in the political landscape since the SCOTUS allowed GW to become POTUS, I dropped out of posting here for a bit longer than a year, for many reasons (to be honest I was much happier playing the ignorant for that time) back again to give it a second go around and again in support of Bernie Sanders! I actually had some ChuckleHead reply to me last night, and the answer is NO!!! Trump is in office because HRC could not see the benefit of another candidate taking the lead, one that could not have only secured the 2016 election, but also one who could have made profound changes to our political scope, not only for today but in the future as well, I am sorry Sally, but I do not live my life through pure Hate, I look at the issues at hand, I do my own investigating before I come to my own personal conclusion, I have run into this quite a bit lately, folks still Bitching and Crying about how Hillary was screwed, to that I say What comes around goes Around!!! You all still gonna sit around licking your wounds instead of searching the horizon for electable candidates? I new there was something fishy going on every time Bernie would have huge turnouts for his speeches, I knew something was not right every time a news anchor would mention a Bernie win, but always ended up pouting his lack of delegates/superdelegates... I have been called a TROLL amongst many other Clever names because I believe in democracy and do not always lean with the most, how could I when I have spent my time seeking and finding the Truth!!! Something for the folks who seemed to have turned a Blind Eye, wake up and smell the Fucking Coffee already!!!!!!!!! I assume Sally may like my reply???